I'm Ilyas Andika

As a developer and moonlighting designer. I'm passionate about creating interfaces that are minimalist and elegant

My Services

Web Design

I design your website. I create fun, beautiful, useful, user-centric web design

Web Development

I don't just design website. i Build high peforming, beautiful, user-friendly and clean code websites

Some Things I've Built

Few technologies i've been working with recently :

HTML CSS JavaScript PHP MySQL Laravel

My Process

Phase 1


This is the phase where i dive deep into your world and get to know you. Before i can properly design your high-peforming websites. I need to understand you, you pain-points and your audience

Phase 2


I take what i've learned about you & craft a bespoke website that's tailored to meet your unique needs, all while accurately representing your brand & keeping things aestheically pleasing & useable for your audience

Phase 3


Once you're happy with the designs, I will proceed to building them making sure everything is optimised to follow modern web practices, such as speed, security and reliability.

Phase 4


After I've completed the build and double checked everything alongside your approval, it's time to launch your website. In this phase I will also provide some training videos on how you can add content to your website so you can do it yourself.


Got a Project? Lets Talk!
